Monday, August 22, 2016

Back to School, College Advice

Can it really be that time of year already? Seems like a few weeks ago I was seeing Facebook posts from my teacher friends saying school's out for summer (currently playing Alice Cooper's version in my head). Growing up I was always excited for school. I enjoyed learning and liked being with  friends. As an adult I still like learning, hence the master's degree.

Back to school means new clothes, new school supplies, more organization to make sure all the homework and projects get done. Ohhhh how I love a well organized calendar :) p.s. I already bought my 2017 planner and I am over the moon excited to fill it up! Nerd alert! This shirt would be perfect for me!

The start of a fall semester on campus is my favorite. The energy, the new students so cute and lost. I remember calling home after my first couple of classes ended and telling my parents I was walking to the bookstore to get the books I needed. I remember exactly where I was, what bookstore I went to, and how excited it made me to be in college. That's my hope for all the students starting their first year of college in the coming weeks. Stay excited! It's hard to keep that enthusiasm when you are bogged down with projects and finals and organization obligations. As someone who isn't 18 anymore, but still remembers college vividly, when your parents (and other "old" people) say it is the best four years of your's true. Make the most of it. Study hard, but play hard too. Get to know people all over campus; other students, faculty, staff. Those relationships you build come with memories and maybe some connections down the road.

Of all the students I have worked with and all the situations I have seen I could write a book about surviving college. This experience is about finding out who you are, growing up, and making choices that will lead you to goals. If I had to sum it up I would simply say "stay excited."

Good luck to all the freshman as you go off on this adventure. To the parents, let them go, let them explore, and let them make mistakes. They will learn. Sure it might feel terrible letting them fail, but I saw a quote recently that said a lot in few words. It said, "Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo."

Let the first day of school pics on facebook begin!!! Until next post...xoxo Becca

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